A lot of companies are requiring their employees to work from home during the Covid-19 pandemic. Even before the pandemic, working from home was somewhat of a norm for some individuals who worked in companies that were looking for better and efficient ways to reduce overhead costs.
Working from home can be a lonesome enterprise, especially when the choice is not really yours to make and you are ordered to social distance yourself from family and friends.
For those who are not used to working from home, it can be frustrating and a challenge to your productivity. You might enjoy sleeping in or linger in the shower. Or you might be used to working in a structured environment whereas you don’t have a work desk at home. Regardless of your personal style, consider the following tips to help you get situated to the new normal during the Covid-19 outbreak.
Have a routine. Try to wake up early morning like you would normally if you had to drive in to town for work. Take a quick shower and get dressed into anything but your lounge clothes. Drink water in the AM to hydrate and energize your body throughout the day. Have a filling breakfast with your morning coffee.
Have noise cancelling head phones or earbuds. People work differently in different environments. But, if you are particularly sensitive to your neighbor’s dog barking throughout the day, or you want to listen to soothing jazz to help you concentrate on your work, get one of those noise-cancelling headphones. Studies show that listening to calming music or nature sounds helps you concentrate better and lowers your heart rate.
Have a designated work space. Instead of responding to emails, work texts, and taking conference calls on your couch and in front of your TV, designate a space in your home where you can concentrate and work quietly. This might be a low traffic area in your home such as a corner in your living room, a den, or your dining table.
Put your Phone on silent mode during working hours. It is so easy to get distracted with our phones. We get alerts from Twitter, Facebook, or get calls from family and friends a lot more now that we are all staying at home. This can be really distracting when you are trying to get some work done. Instead of leaving your phone on ring mode, try putting it on silent or on airplane mode during working hours. You can also leave it in a place where you can’t access it for a limited number of hours during the day.
Take periodic breaks. Now that you are spending more time at home, try to take stretch breaks throughout the day. You can also get your heart rate up and blood flow going by doing a few jumping jacks. Get outside as much as possible to garden or walk around the block (don’t forget to put on your masks and your gloves while doing so). This helps lower your stress levels and avoid cabin fever.
Now that you have a few tips to get productive, don’t procrastinate on that new class you wanted to take, or that focaccia bread recipe you’ve been wanting to try.