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Where are you from?


I am a proud Ethiopian born in Addis Ababa, the capital. I came to the United States as a college student and I have lived here ever since. I currently reside in Washington, D.C.  


Where did you go to school?


I finished my Bachelors at Minnesota State University, Mankato in Civil Engineering. I don’t like snow very much (now you know why, haha). I completed my graduate degree at the University of Virginia in Systems Engineering. Go ‘Hoos. 


What do you do as a professional?


I I am also a small business owner working as a contractor to several state and local Department of Transportations on several of their systems engineering needs as they relate to connected and automated vehicle projects.

How did you start blogging?


For as long as I can remember, I have been a writer. Even before my teenage years, I would always find comfort in writing short stories, plays, and even journaling. I started blogging while I was in graduate school as an outlet for my thoughts. I wanted to share reviews of the places I traveled to. I wanted to inspire women of color while traveling on a budget. Now, my blog is a combination of my lifestyle and my travel stories. 

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What do you like to do aside from blogging? 


I am a very social person. If I am not blogging, I am usually with friends brunching, or on coffee dates, or checking out the newest bar in D.C. I love exploring new bars, restaurants and especially coffee shops with those closest to me. I also love reading and I spend a lot of time at Politics and Pros or one of the local book stores. 


How often do you travel? 


I travel whenever I have the time to be away from the city. I have a regular 9-5 job that gives me the flexibility to take long-weekend trips because of the flex hours that we have as employees.

© 2020 by Maggie Haile | The Weekendher.    All Rights Reserved. 

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